Homeland Hospice: YOUR Choice, OUR Privilege


pair of hands holding another person's handWhen faced with a life-threatening illness, making serious decisions about your care can be overwhelming.

At Homeland Hospice, our goal is to make you and your loved ones informed of the choices you have. We encourage all patients to have a face-to-face conversation with their doctors, caregivers, and spiritual advisors in order to help make informed decisions consistent with their wishes.

“All patients have the right to freedom of choice when faced with needing hospice,” stated Debbie Klinger, RN and Director of Homeland Hospice. “And all of us at Homeland feel privileged to be a part of our patients’ care.”

Homeland Hospice believes that needless pain is unnecessary when a person is nearing the end of life. We provide a dedicated team of skilled professionals at the very center of each patient’s care.

Rights and Choices of a Hospice Patient

According to the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) a hospice patient has the right to be informed of his or her rights … and choices. Hospitals and medical providers must provide a patient with choices for their end of life care, including hospice providers.

What are your rights?

  • Be treated with respect.
  • Receive quality end-of-life care.
  • Receive spoken and written notice of his /her rights and responsibilities in a manner they understand during the assessment meeting with hospice staff.
  • Receive information on advance directives including a living will and healthcare surrogate.
  • Voice concerns and not be discriminated against for doing so.
  • Receive pain management and symptom control.
  • Be involved in developing his or her hospice plan of care.
  • Refuse care or treatment.
  • Choose his or her attending physician.
  • Have a medical record.
  • Be free from mistreatment, neglect, or verbal, mental, sexual, and physical abuse.
  • Receive information about the services covered under the Hospice.
  • Receive information about the services that the hospice will provide and any limitations on those services.

Homeland Hospice provides you these rights both verbally and on paper. It truly is YOUR choice how we manage your care and OUR privilege to provide it for you.

Please feel free to [email us with any questions you may have.


National Hospice & Palliative Care Month slide

How to Choose a Quality Hospice