Homeland Hospice ‘Extras’


dog being petTime is precious. And life is to be lived. None of this changes when time grows short. In fact, the richness of remaining days should be as full as possible.

Homeland Hospice believes this to be true. It’s why our array of services and added therapies go well beyond the basics of symptom, pain management, in-home care and assistance as well as spiritual and social services support.

Why not a manicure and a pedicure, or even a haircut? Or how about in-home therapeutic music featuring a strumming harp?

Need to relax and rejuvenate? There’s nothing more restoring and reaffirming than professional massage therapy.

Homeland Hospice has two therapists that provide massages to our patients. And once you’ve had a professional therapist working the knots and kinks out of your shoulders and relaxing your muscles, you can’t wait to reschedule.

Perhaps art is your thing. Painting a picture can activate memories and fire the imagination, especially among Alzheimer patients. Homeland offers all of these extra services – art, music and massage therapy and special patient pampering – all at no added cost.

Then there are those special volunteers – proud pet owners with therapy dogs who just love visiting new friends and being stroked and pet. Almost by magic, soon both patient and canine are feeling better – more relaxed, peaceful and loving. After all, pets offer everyone unconditional love.

Finally, Homeland offers respite services for caregivers needing a break, be it for an afternoon or up to five continuous days. These more flexible respite services go beyond the Medicare basics, providing either in-home support or transferring the patient to a temporary “home” for as many as five days.

At Homeland, plenty of extra services but never a bill

Homeland Hospice provides patients and their families with all of these extras but you will never receive a bill for any of them. Homeland covers everything with the Medicare daily rate or generous donations.

harp being played“We feel we can improve the quality of life of someone, and these services help us do this,” says Homeland Hospice Director Sue Minarik, RN.

“Everybody loves the massage therapists”, says Patti Vogl, assistant director of social services at Homeland. “They cannot come frequently enough for our patients. And who doesn’t like getting their nails done? It’s just one of those little things that make you feel better.”

Sometimes, it’s more than just feeling better.

Benefits of extra services go beyond comfort; It’s better care

Massages can help reduce swelling and relieve pain. And Homeland Hospice staff tells of watching a laboring patient suddenly breathe easier amid the gentle strumming of the harp player. On occasion, the harp music can even help an agitated and declining patient make the peaceful transition to death.

Art therapy has assisted the younger children of a dying parent work through their anger. And art can provide a bridge for Alzheimer patients who have lost their words, connecting them to past memories and images and unlocking new messages to loved ones and family.

These added services might seem like extras. But at Homeland Hospice, they are part of a holistic approach that enhances and enriches the lives of the patient and their families.

In closing, Sue Minarik shares, “Families say ‘we wish we would have known about hospice sooner’. Because hospice is not about dying. It is about making your life worth living in whatever time you have left.”