The Best of Cumberland County


Thank you Cumberland County!

Homeland At Home Best of Cumberland County imageEach year The Sentinel asks its readers to vote for who they believe is the best of the best in the county in nearly 130 different categories.

Homeland Hospice was recently awarded first place in the Hospice Provider category for The Best of Cumberland County 2017. Homeland At Home came in second place (runner-up) for the In-home Care Provider category.

“We are sincerely honored that we were chosen as the favored provider,” stated Wendy Shumaker, Assistant Director of Marketing for Homeland Hospice, HomeHealth & HomeCare. “Our team of nurses, social workers, spiritual counselors and more are so compassionate and do an amazing job! I’ve never worked anywhere there was so much drive to provide excellent services.”

Homeland revealed that they did not tell their friends and family members to vote for them. “We did not tell anybody about our participation,” added Shumaker. “All of the votes were truly authentic.”