An Uplifting Experience

Andrew, Dann, & Mark

L to R: Andrew Wenger,
Dann Caldwell, Mark Harris

Having a background in children and youth spiritual services, Andrew Wenger, did not know what to expect when he walked into his Homeland Hospice internship in September 2018. Andrew has spent the last seven months shadowing Dann Caldwell and Mark Harris. They taught him to listen more than speak, based on the needs of the patient and their family.

The value of silent observation was a helpful tool in “getting the full picture,” and “meeting the patient or family member where they are.” Andrew says that he was also given the opportunity to work with bereaved children and was able to familiarize himself with the process of preparing ahead of time, meeting them in the moment of loss, and continuing to counsel after all sets in.

Working with Hospice patients and their families has given Andrew a lot to consider in his future career of church service. Andrew says he will take the lessons he has learned and apply them to his work with church congregants, so that all are given a safe space to come and have someone who will reach out them in a moment of need. Good luck, Andrew! Thank you for all you did during your time with us!